User defined units

The units library has support for user defined units and Commodities. These interact with the *_from_string and to_string operations to allow custom conversions and definitions.

Defining a custom unit

The basic function for adding a custom unit is addUserDefinedUnit(string name, precise_unit un)

For example from a test in the library

precise_unit idgit(4.754, mol/m.pow(2));
addUserDefinedUnit("idgit", idgit);

auto ipm=unit_from_string("idgit/min");
EXPECT_EQ(ipm, idgit / min);

auto str = to_string(ipm);
EXPECT_EQ(str, "idgit/min");

str = to_string(ipm.inv());
EXPECT_EQ(str, "min/idgit");

Basically user defined units can interact with the string conversion functions just like any other unit defined in the library. A user defined unit gets priority when converting to a string as well including when squared or cubed as part of a compound unit. For example from the test cases:

addUserDefinedUnit("angstrom", units::precise::distance::angstrom);

auto str = to_string(units::unit_from_string("us / angstrom^2"));
EXPECT_EQ(str, "us/angstrom^2");
str = to_string(units::unit_from_string("us / angstrom"));
EXPECT_EQ(str, "us/angstrom");

If only an ability to interpret strings is needed the addUserDefinedInputUnit can be used

precise_unit idgit(4.754, mol/m.pow(2));
addUserDefinedInputUnit("idgit", idgit);

auto ipm = unit_from_string("idgit/min");
EXPECT_EQ(ipm, idgit / min);

auto str = to_string(ipm);
EXPECT_EQ(str.find("idgit"), std::string::npos);
EXPECT_NE(str.find("kat") , std::string::npos);

If only output strings are needed the addUserDefinedOutputUnit can be used

precise_unit idgit(4.754, mol / m.pow(2));
addUserDefinedOutputUnit("idgit", idgit);

auto ipm = unit_from_string("idgit/min");
//this is not able to be read since idgit is undefined as an input
EXPECT_NE(ipm, idgit / min);

auto str = to_string(idgit/min);
/** output only should make this work*/

The output unit can be used when the interpreter works fine but the string output doesn’t do what you want it to do.

A unit can be removed from the user defined unit set via removeUserDefinedUnit

 auto ipm=unit_from_string("idgit/min");
EXPECT_EQ(ipm, idgit / min);

auto str = to_string(ipm);
EXPECT_EQ(str, "idgit/min");

str = to_string(ipm.inv());
EXPECT_EQ(str, "min/idgit");


The removal also works for user defined units specified via addUserDefinedInputUnit or addUserDefinedOutputUnit

Input File

Sometimes it is useful to have a larger library of units in this case the std::string definedUnitsFromFile(const std::string& filename) can be used to load a number of units at once.

The file format is quite simple. # at the beginning of a line indicates a comment other wise

# comment
meeter == meter
meh == meeter per hour
# => indicates input only unit
     mehmeh => meh/s
# <= indicates output only unit
     hemhem => s/meh


# comment
yodles=73 counts

# comment
"yeedles", 19 yodles

yimdles; dozen yeedles


# test the quotes for inclusion
"bl==p"=18.7 cups

# test single quotes for inclusion
'y,,p',9 tons

# ignore just one quote
'np==14 kg

# escaped quotes
"j\"\""= 13.5 W

# escaped quotes
'q""'= 15.5 W

The basic rule is that one of [<=,;] will separate a definition name from a unit definition. If the next character after the separator is an ‘=’ it is ignored. If it is a ‘>’ it implies input only definition. If the separator is an ‘<=’ then it is output only. Otherwise it calls addUserDefinedUnit for each definition. The function is declared noexcept and will return a string with each error separated by a newline. So if the result string is empty() there were no errors.

Other Library Operations

  • clearUserDefinedUnits() will erase all previously defined units

  • disableUserDefinedUnits() will disable the use of user defined units

  • enableUserDefinedUnits() will enable their use if they had been disabled, they are enabled by default.

Notes on units and threads

The user defined units usage flag is an atomic variable but the modification of the user defined library are not thread safe, so if threads are needed make all the changes in one thread before using it in other threads, or protect the calls with a separate mutex. The disable and enable functions trigger an atomic variable that enables the use of user defined units in the string translation functions. disableUserDefinedUnits() also turns off the ability to specify new user defined units but does not erase those already defined.