Converter App¶
As a simple example and potentially useful tool we made the converter app. It is a command line application that can be built as part of the units library to convert units given on the command line.
$ ./unit_convert 10 m ft
$ ./unit_convert ten meters per second mph
$ ./unit_convert --full ten meters per second mph
ten meters per second = 22.3694 mph
$ ./unit_convert --simplified ten meters per second miles/hour
10 m/s = 22.3694 mph
$ ./unit_convert -s four hundred seventy-three kilograms per hour pounds/min
473 kg/hr = 17.3798 lb/min
$ ./unit_convert -s 22 british fathoms *
10 british fathoms = 18.288 m
basically there are two options –full,-f and –simplified,-s a measurement which will take an arbitrary number of strings and a final string as a unit to convert to. It outputs the conversion and if specified the surrounding measurement and units either simplified or in the original. Using * or <base> in place of the unit string will result in converting the measurement to base units.
$ ./unit_convert --help
application to perform a conversion of a value from one unit to another
Usage: unit_convert [OPTIONS] measure... convert
measure [TEXT ...] ... REQUIRED
measurement to convert .e.g '57.4 m', 'two thousand GB' '45.7*22.2 feet^3/s^2'
convert TEXT REQUIRED the units to convert the measurement to
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-f,--full specify that the output should include the measurement and units
-s,--simplified simplify the units using the units library to_string functions and print the conversion string like full. This option will take precedence over --full
--measurement [TEXT ...] ... REQUIRED
measurement to convert .e.g '57.4 m', 'two thousand GB' '45.7*22.2 feet^3/s^2'
--convert TEXT REQUIRED the units to convert the measurement to